The new movie by Arno Oehri
Official Awards and Selections:
- Panama Canal International Film Festival, Panama - Official Selection
- Eastern Europe Film Festival, Romania - Honorable Mention Award
- Paradise Film Festival, Germany - Official Selection
- Portugal Indie Film Festival, Portugal - Award Best Director Feature Film
- International Moving Film Festival, Mexico - Finalist Best Feature Fiction
and Finalist Best Actress
- 36 Girona Film Festival, Spain - Official Selection
- Berlin Indie Film Festival, Germany - Award Best Artist Film (Feature)
- Cinematic European Film Festival, Romania - Official Selection
- Rohip Film Festival, India - Award Best International Feature
- 23rd Dhaka International Film Festival, Bangladesh - Official Selection
- Rieti e Sabina Film Festival, Rome, Italy - Official Selection
- Stockholm City Film Festival, Sweden - Finalist
- Inno Vision Film Festival, Milano, Italy - Official Selection
- Hallucinea Film Festival, Paris, France - Official Selection
- 8 & Hal Film Festival Awards - Award Best Narrative Feature Award Best Arthouse Director Award Best Cinematography Award Best Cast
- Bellagio New Cinema Best Of The World Festival, Bellagio, Italy - Best Indie Film Nominee
- Oklahoma New Directors-New Films 2025 - Official Selection
- SCA Los Angeles International Awards - Official Selection
- Barcelona Film Experience - Award Best Mobile Feature
- Cittador Int. Film Festival, Vienna, Austria - Finalist
- Hollywood Best Indie Film Awards, Hollywood, USA - Official Selection
- LA Film & Documentary Award, Los Angeles, USA - Official Selection
- Santiago Festival de Cine del Mundo, Santiago de Chile - Official Selection
- SCA® Barcelona International Awards, Spain - Honorable Mention
Synopsis english
In the Spanish province, a real estate agent tries to evict a woman known as a healer from a farmstead in which she lives as an illegitimate resident and which she regards as a personal, sacred place of power. A nerve-wracking battle between the two parties begins, but both characters also come into serious conflict with themselves. Especially as the estate is not only shrouded in mysterious legends, but actually has uncanny powers at work. The story is diametrically opposed to the fabulous medieval legend of St. Wilgefortis. With: Pamela Field, Christiani Wetter, Martin Hilti and Klaus Henner Russius
Release: Summer 2024
Currently submitting to International Film Festivals
Synopsis deutsch
Ein Immobilienagent versucht in der spanischen Provinz eine als Heilerin bekannte Frau aus einem Gehöft zu vertreiben, in welchem sie als illegitime Bewohnerin haust und welches sie als persönlichen, heiligen Kraftort betrachtet. Ein nervenaufreibender Kampf zwischen den beiden Parteien beginnt, aber auch mit sich selber geraten beide Figuren in argen Konflikt. Zumal das Anwesen nicht nur von geheimnisvollen Legenden umweht ist, sondern tatsächlich unheimliche Kräfte darin wirken. Der ganzen Geschichte diametral gegenübergestellt wird die sagenhafte, mittelalterliche Legende der Heiligen Wilgefortis (St. Kümmernis). Mit: Pamela Field, Christiani Wetter, Martin Hilti und Klaus Henner Russius
Release: Sommer 2024
Derzeit: Einreichungen bei Internationalen Film Festivals